App Review: Measurement HD

There are many maths apps available for Infants classes, but the majority of these focus on Number. One app that has been designed to cover time, length, weight and capacity is Measurement HD.

Students are able to answer simple time questions using Crazy Clock, help an alien select heavier or lighter items in Scale Tale, fill up jugs with juice or bowls with scoops of ice-cream playing Fill me Up, compare the length of ropes, worms and candy canes in Long and Short or play with animated letters to learn the months of the year with Action Month.

Possibly the best use of this app is for after these concepts have been introduced in class and students have had time with hands on activities, comparing the weight of objects and turning the hands on a clock. By revisiting these skills on the iPad and being able to regularly ‘touch base’ with measurement, students are able to stay familiar with the concepts and build their confidence and understanding. 

Click to view on iTunes   
View Measurement Website
