OS X Tip: Edit Number of Users on Login Window

Mac OS X has long been able to show a list of network user accounts at the login window, defined by Managed Preferences (MCX).

Managed Preferences continues to work on El Capitan clients, but WorkGroup Manager no longer works with server. Profile Manager replaces Workgroup Manager for client management to control preferences for the login window, location and contents of the dock, to provide restrictions and more.

In Yosemite & El Capitan, the list of users on the login window is limited to around 200 users by default. For schools with more network users, you can edit a preference to show all your student and teacher accounts.

Follow these steps:

  1. Login to your Mac as Administrator
  2. Open Terminal from the Utilities folder
  3. Type the following command:
    sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow MaxNetworkUsers -int 500
    Note:  Change 500 to the number of network users you wish to display.
  4. Press Return
  5. Enter your admin password
  6. Restart your Mac

Note:  You can do this on your 'Master' Mac before using DeployStudio for imaging.